
Last week I saw my late summer tan lines fade from my feet. The earth crescendoed with warmth for us here in Chicago-land (a sweet day of almost 72 degrees) allowing us to bid farewell to the mild fall. The leaves  brilliant in their colors and it almost seemed that the trees were showing off - trying to show one another up with who could have the most brilliant blaze. Captivating red to orange or sweet fade of green into yellow. As the warmth faded, it seemed not to go out with a fizzle but with a bang. We ushered October out, and our Indian summer, on Halloween with sleet and snow. The leaves are almost gone, November has come, and the clocks are set back an hour to let the darkness nestle in quicker. It seems that Fall is finally here – and so we’ll bust out our coats and heavy scarfs, wrap ourselves up in our favorite blankets and nestle into our homes on those blistery days.  It's the weather for thick sweaters, comforting flavors, and copious amounts of pie. Let's begin to cherish the sweetness of the seasons changing. Let’s fall back into fall.

Circles 2014 Reflections

About a month ago my sweet friend, Nicole, and I took an adventure down to the great state of Texas to attend the Circles Conference 2014. Circles is a conference for the creative to feel inspired and to reignite ones imagination. This years conference certainly lived up to what it said it was all about. Inspire. Create. Repeat.

Two fast, well filled days full of inspired speakers, conversations that produced hundreds of thoughts, and many powerful ideas shared. Though each speaker had unique experiences to share, a handful of common, strong threads seemed to pop up through each talk.

As they spoke, many of the speaker power points were filled with projects that were recognizable, with recognizable company names attached. The projects that you saw them light up  and pause at were the personal projects. Projects that had stories, personal interests, and passion attached and sewn into them. My favorite examples of this were projects by Matt Lehman and the Heads of State. They both took initiative to do projects that were driven by person interests and have allowed their personal interests help them showcase what they could do, and not just what they were known for.


Create with depth and authenticity.
 - This one seems like a no-brainer, right? Often though when  asked to churn out design after design, that depth seems to fade and the authenticity becomes replaced with concern to move on. Jay Argaet spoke deeply on this subject, not only urging us to create with authenticity, but imploring us to step away from the computer and the “inspiration” sites to look at the world around us for inspiration. He has some lovely stories about how this has effected his work style and his staff at Hillsong Church.  

I instantly connected with what Becky Murphy had to say when she spoke about the importance of celebrating your first drafts, and not discounting the sketch work you do before the final project. Woven in with funny life stories and great illustrated slides, Becky proceeded to tell us of her "misses" and of the handful of projects that were successful for acknowledging what was wrong with the first ideas. “Measure by progress,” she said, “not by comparison... we all can have a piece of the creativity pie.” We all start at the same point; Celebrate and learn from your first drafts; Look at your old work and move on. In a day and age of easily accessible sites and work it has been a welcomed daily reminder.


I didn't realize that often I gave the answer "I'm busy" to the question of how I was doing until Kathleen Shannon pointed it out in her talk about shelving fear. "Busy is not an answer" she gently reminded us,  and continued on to remind us not to become so busy "you forget to live a life."  We each are human, each given gifts to share with the other humans around us. Sweet reminders of this came from speakers like Doug Bowman, who shared on finding your voice. Then there was Lee Steffen, who not so subtlety, hinted at the importance of family and life over work. He talked about not waiting for the calling or adventure, but to find the spark of life. As well, he urged us to find our voices and genuinely cultivate a life that allowed us to authentically give our gift or art and creating back to those around us.


Each speaker, in his or her own way, reminded me that they were not the sum of their projects, but rather their projects were being influenced as a production of their life being lived. Each speaker presented old ideas in a new way, and new ideas in a simple way. I could continue to go on about each speaker and the daily gems they gave me to mull over and make my own, but I highly recommend you jump over to Circles, listen and discover the gems you need to hear for yourself.

Color Companions: Olive & Orange


I love how fall blends the last of the summer greens into its swirling heat of colors such as red, plum, and especially orange. Fall in the Midwest is a time for strong golden hues, apple picking, and pumpkin carving. Just mention October and pumpkins seem to pop out of the ground, ripe and ready to be jack-o-lanterns. Green and orange among the ripened trees and floating leaves seem to abound, creating a perfect pair to bring us into the crispness of the Fall season.

Clockwise: Wood Pumpkins | Dahlias | Olive pants & Pumps | Kettle

The Essentials : The Airport

Images by Caroline Hutchison for Linalulu Paperie

Images by Caroline Hutchison for Linalulu Paperie

Vacations and traveling can be really fun. Going to the airport, on the other hand, can be not so fun. I have had the opportunity to travel more this year and have found a few essential things I now can’t travel without:


Slip-on Shoes: Getting through security can be a breeze if you set yourself up for it. Waiting on a cold tile floor as I push my belongings through the x-ray can be, well, gross. I wear simple flats so just right before my turn to walk through I can slip them off to toss in the bin and easily slip them back on once through.

Lite Reading: I usually bring a short book and a magazine with me. Having either to switch back and forth is great when you're not sure how long your wait is or to pass time on the plane. For even lighter reading, download Audible or OverDrive app and listen to your book.

Sketchbook & Pens : The airport is incredible people watching, and usually has great art pieces decorating the terminals. I have a sketchbook with me to capture all the funny moments and when inspiration strikes.

Chap stick: ...and a lot of it. The plane is dry and you can never have enough chap stick.

Jacket or Sweater: Jackets are nice in case of a cold airport or airplane. Plus they can double as a good blanket or pillow if need be.

Snacks: The airport food court always seems tempting to just grab food, but with higher prices and strategically placed Starbucks kiosks, I opt to bring food like granola bars or fruit snacks to tide me over. Plus it helps with the travel fatigue and meltdowns.

Water bottle: Just like carrying chap stick, having a water bottle is always smart to keep you hydrated and ready for anything that comes your way.

Carry-On Bag: One of the most important things to make sure you have, man or woman, is a sturdy, versatile carry-on bag. A bag with reachable pockets for your phone and wallet, a zipper closure to make sure nothing falls out when you slip it under your seat, and both short and long shoulder straps that can carry heavier items like a laptop with out strain or snapping.

Other travel essentials for me:
Ear buds, Phone Charger, Cash, and Comb & Toothbrush - You never know when you will need to freshen up.

What are your travel essentials?

Out of Office

Last weekend I had the privileged to step away from the office and immerse myself in learning and listening to inspiring and engaging individuals in the design world at the Circles Conference in Texas. What a wonderful world we live in! I have so much to share from Circles and will be sharing in the weeks ahead!

This weekend will be no different! I will be stepping away from the office and heading (once again) to warmer climates to learn, grow, and just live life with other creatives and entrepreneurs for a few days. I'm also looking forward to finishing my time on the west coast with my sweet husband,  relaxing near the beach, and getting to see a few of our dear friends.



Sketches and stuff

I'm waiting on the edge of my seat as I watch my full, 120 passenger flight start to board. I have been excited about going to Circles conference in Texas since about this time last year. In a few short hours I'm going to get to hear men and women I admire in the design world speak on a range of topics and glean from their past triumphs and mistakes. Notebook and pen in hand, I can't wait for these next two days to start, as well as meet new people! While I wait here at the gate I'll continue to sketch- I'm already feeling inspired...


September & Such

by Caroline Hutchison for Lina Lulu Paperie

by Caroline Hutchison for Lina Lulu Paperie

For many, September marks the end - the end of Summer, the end of warmth, and the end of carefree schedule. When growing up it meant the start of school, new pens and pencils, volleyball season, and homework.  In high school it meant homecoming float building, bonfires, and figuring out how I would balance class and social life. In college it meant the reuniting with sweet friends, returning to an actual art studio, and getting to participate in all the new school year rituals while watching the Freshmen navigate what I knew to be so familiar.

Now, a few years out of school, September holds a new meaning of promise. September now marks a new beginning. It marks when I first met my husband. It holds the day we married. It marks our "new year" together.

This September in particular has so many things I'm looking forward to. A handful of trips, our two year wedding anniversary, and the unspoken promise of a sweet season ahead.

September, I'm glad you are here.

Portfolio: All Creatures Great and Small

This past summer we celebrated the coming birth of my sweet cousin Laura's third baby and third little boy - Crosby Thomas. We found out she was decorating the nursery in a Noah's Ark theme and then asked if she had a quote, verse, or lyrics she wanted framed.


This project was so fun for me to work on! I loved combining my illustrations of all the happy creatures (great and small) with calligraphy. I used a premixed ink and regulated the pressure and amount of ink on the nib to give the letters an ocean feel of dark and light blue. As well, I added a little more swashes then I usually would for a "masculine" print to help give it that moving water look.

I loved working on this piece and I love that sweet Crosby and his brothers will see it everyday reminding them of all the great things our Lord has created.




Color Companions: Summer Neutrals

August is already here - how did that happen? I love this month, especially in the Midwest. The mornings are a cool preview of the fall weather to come, but the days seem hazy and dreamy with soft sunshine, and warm (sometimes blistering hot) days. With the old adage of not wearing white after Labor day, these dreamy August days are perfect for fitting summer neutrals and floral in every part of your life.

Clockwise: Plates | Botanical Prints | Pitcher | Cardigan


Portfolio: Hand Done Type

A few friends recently put together a weekly, collaborative type challenge called Type Club 2014. They passed the link on to a handful of creatives they know, and the results have been really beautiful to see.

The premise: Each week a new quote is posted. You can interpret this quote any way you like, using any medium you like. There is a time "constraint" of one week. This "constraint" creates a deadline and a push for you to share the "final" piece with everyone else with out belaboring your work through social media.

It's a great exercise, and fun to see the interpretations and beautiful design from everyone.

Original art by Caroline Hutchison for Linalulu Paperie

Original art by Caroline Hutchison for Linalulu Paperie

Portfolio: Baby Berge Shower


A few weeks ago a group of ladies and myself threw a sweet baby shower for our friend and mama-to-be, Heather! This is Heather and husband, Daniel, first baby - and they are waiting to find out the sex of the child! SO brave but very fun!

We picked up on their nursery theme, Jungle Animals, and chose gender neutral colors of yellow and mint to compliment the fun animals. Heather is only a week away from her due date and we all can't wait to meet this newest little one!

See more of Heather's invite in our gallery.


Portfolio: Longyne/Smies Wedding

A few months back I had the pleasure of illustrating a beautiful, city inspired wedding suite for Cindy, and husband-to-be, Tyler. You can see the mini moodboard here I created when beginning this project.


I loved hearing the passion that Cindy and Tyler have for the city of Grand Rapids, MI and how it has played a role in their relationship - and now in their wedding! We went with dark green and a grey metallic inks to bring out the scheme of their wedding. I love how the metallic ink shimmers and makes the city feel alive in the background.

Best of luck you two - I know the Lord has much in-store for you in marriage!

